Dare I Try Another Reading Challenge?

I really shouldn't. I shouldn't do this. Every year, I start with such grand dreams of reading all my listed books, and every year, I end up reading a bunch of other books instead. Not that that's a bad thing; I just feel silly each year as I re-read the list and realize I've barely read anything I'd planned to read.

When I looked at the beginning of my list from last year, I was pleasantly surprised. At some point last year, I read all of the books listed, even though I'd long forgotten about my original list. All total, I read 30 books last year, ranging from a few of my fifth-grader's chapter books to the entire Bible. Here are my stats as of December 25, according to Goodreads. (I've finished two books since then, so I imagine the stats will be updated at some point.)

Books read: 28
Pages read; 10,714
Shortest book: Lois Lowry, Number the Stars
Longest book: The New Inductive Study Bible
Average book length: 382 pages

I imagine that, if I didn't consistently read books that could double as doorstops, I would probably read a few more books each year than I do.

Anyway, I'm thinking about trying the Back to the Classics Reading Challenge again. In addition to those, I'll likely read multiple nonfiction books, along with finishing up the Bible again (I'm currently on Day 182 of my reading plan). I'll post my choices for books a little later this week. Stay tuned!


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