I have so much to write, dear friends, and this Challies article prompted me to post today. I have been thinking about this blog and what I want it to be. Currently, nobody that I know personally is aware of this blog. I've never shared it with anyone. And I like the idea of writing anonymously. When I was younger, I dreamed of being famous -- for what, I wasn't sure. I just wanted to be famous. Now? Whew! I never achieved fame, and boy am I glad. I like my relative anonymity. So, why am I writing here? Want to know the #1 reason that came to my mind? Okay. I'm lonely. I have friends, but no close friends. I still treasure my close friends of the past, but none of them live near me. It's all Facebook and the occasional text or email. I know so many people nearby--in my neighborhood, at work, in my church, at my kid's school and other activities. Often, I'll think, "That person and I have something in common! Maybe we can be friends!" W...