A Memoir-ish Post to Begin With
Once upon a time, long, long ago, my notebooks were my respite from a loud, confusing world. My hearing loss meant that people often sounded like they were speaking a foreign language; I could catch bits and pieces of what they were saying, but I had to reconstruct the rest based on sight, context, intonation. It was a lot of work. I was tired all the time. So when I would retreat to books, it was like I could finally wake up and come alive. And my notebooks—my journals—were where I could communicate to the world, at least in theory. In truth, I never published anything in those journals. But they were valuable for (among other things) the sense that I could articulate and communicate--something I never felt able to do in the Real World. The hearing loss was one issue, but there was also the truth that I have always been, and still am, very shy. I've learned to "fake it" over the years, of course. And my shyness can even seem to disintegrate among certain friends and ...